Visoki komesarijat UN za ljudska prava (OHCHR) saopštio je da je u Ukrajini 227 civila stradalo, a 525 je povređeno od početka ruske invazije.
OHCHR veruje da su stvarne brojke znatno veće, jer su najnovijim bilansom obuhvaćene samo potvđene civilne žrtve.
Ukrajinski zvaničnici su saopštili daleko veći broj stradalih.Većina žrtava ubijena je eksplozivnim oružjem sa širokim udarnim dometom, uključujući granate iz teške artiljerije i višenamenske raketne sisteme, kao i vazdušne napade, naveo je OHCHR.
The U.N. human rights office says 227 civilians have been killed and another 525 injured in its latest count of the toll in Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s military invasion that began a week ago.
The office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights says the tally eclipses the entire civilian casualty count from the war in eastern Ukraine between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces in 2014 — which left 136 dead and 577 injured.
The rights office admits that the figures so far are a vast undercount. It uses a strict methodology and counts only confirmed casualties. Ukrainian officials have presented far higher numbers.
The rights office said in a statement late Wednesday that “real figures are considerably higher, especially in government-controlled territory and especially in recent days, as the receipt of information from some locations where intensive hostilities have been going on was delayed and many reports were still pending corroboration.”
Most of the casualties were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area, including shelling from heavy artillery and multi-launch rocket systems, and airstrikes, the rights office said.